The Anabaptists were named thusly because of their belief in adult baptism. But why did they refuse to validate or practice infant baptism, even at the risk of losing their lives? A brief look at the reasons for their position on believer's baptism and the Scriptural basis for it
What constitutes genuine prayer? Can you tell by the length of a prayer, or the way it is worded, whether it is true prayer? And why should we tell God what we need when He already knows about it?? Prayer becomes a delight, not a duty, to a child speaking to his Father.
How do you define entertainment? Does it carry a negative or positive connotation? How do you decide what is legitimate? innocent? permissible? What do you think our Master did when he ‘resorted to the garden’? What would he want his followers to do when they are facing burnout?
Where will we find real security for the soul? Once we have been accepted in Christ, is it possible to lose that safe position? A careful examination of Scripture that will help us understand how we get saved, and how we stay saved
Why is family worship necessary? Or important? Don’t our children hear enough Bible teaching at church? How can we make family devotional time relevant, and hold the interest of the varied levels of age and understanding?
“If a man die, shall he live again?” Job asked this question for every living man. The answer is “Yes!” The grave is not the end, and because it is not, we need to plan for what is beyond the end of life.
Why should I care about what God wants from my life? Why would HE care about what I do with my life? Is it going to make any difference in my life to be able to discern God's will for life's situations? Some basic principles, a few warnings, and a list of ways by which to determine God's will for me
"Oh, for some good church life!"
Restlessness because we want better church life has some good aspects to it. Vision and purpose in church life are good. So where do we find the perfect church?
"Flee idolatry", the Apostle Paul wrote long ago. Can we recognize what idolatry looks like today? And once we recognize what it is that is filling the place of GOD in our lives, do we know how to flee from it?
When there is conflict in the workplace, discord in the family, controversy at church, dissension among the school board, friction at the sewing circle, disagreement between pastors, there are three options: flee, fight, or forgive. Which is the best choice? And how do we choose it?