"Oh, for some good church life!"
Restlessness because we want better church life has some good aspects to it. Vision and purpose in church life are good. So where do we find the perfect church?
The Holy Spirit has given different gifts to different Christians to be used in building God's Kingdom. Do you know what all the spiritual gifts include?
Evangelism was a very important part of the work of the early church. Christians went everywhere telling the good news. But as we read Acts and the epistles we can see that the work of evangelism gradually changed. This essay suggests making evangelism a church calling as well as a personal one.
This message begins with the premise that it is right to be part of a church, then an analysis of two distinct types of churches follows. But what does God consider “right”? And if my church is not “right”, how I can help it to become so?
How can we offer help to troubled youth in a way that they can benefit? Below are seven ways to hold out a helping hand instead of pointing an accusing finger.
Do you have a vision for your life? Do you have a goal for the church? Are you willing to put forth the effort that will be required to make your dream become a reality? In this sermon Brother Keith shares six of his dreams; they will challenge you.
The leadership of the church is very important. In the book of 1st Timothy Paul spends a considerable amount of time talking about the character traits men must display if they are to be bishops or deacons.
How important should prayer be to the Christian? And what is the place of women in the church? The apostle Paul addresses both these questions in a letter to a younger preacher.
The book of 1st Timothy is a kind of guidebook with instructions about how to conduct a local church. It is full of good advice for Christians today on many different subjects.
Timothy, the spiritual leader of the church at Ephesus, was given instructions by Paul on how to relate to various members of God's family. There are a variety of people in our congregations, but there is a proper way to relate to each one.
Members of our churches have lost millions of dollars through fraudulent financial activities. These losses have far-reaching effects individually, upon our Christian witness, and upon our capacity to fund the work of God’s kingdom. Learn more about fraud, and how to be part of the solution.
God invites us to enter into the kingdom of heaven, in spite of how broken, sinful and ruined our lives may be. That kingdom is a treasure that everything must be given up to win, but it's a treasure that changes our entire life.
The body of Christ is meant to function in heavenly unity. Is this closeness possible? How can real people with real issues be knit together in Christ?
A pastor calls his congregation to spiritual life and renewal. What are the "life leaks" that drain churches of the power and life of the Spirit? …anger, secret desires, inconsistency, bitterness, falseness, addictions, sin and more.