Do you struggle with life’s unanswerable “whys”? Is it God who allows hard things, bad things, pain and death to happen? When we pray and it seems God does not respond, what is wrong?
No one can deny the fact of death. It was Ponce de Leon who came to Florida in 1569 searching for a fountain of water which would bring perpetual youth to all who drank of it. But no such fountain has ever been found. Ponce de Leon died just as everyone must die.
Who am I? Why am I here? Where do I fit into God's plan? In a world of broken homes, divorce and remarriage, who am I? How can I find Biblical answers for "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" We are someone by God's design. God designed us to be part(members) of the body(church) of Christ.
Who are you? Take a long look into the mirror of God's Word to discover who you really are. And the person you are choosing to be has everything to do with where you are going in life.
Man outside of Christ is in deep spiritual debt because of sin. This debt that we have inherited is more than we can pay. Unlike a home mortgage, there can be no debt restructuring plan, but there are three very important steps we can take to be debt free.
To know God is to love Him. To love Him is to find security. To be secure in His love will make you bold for Him. Knowing God will help you to know who you are, and to find your place in His family.
Session 1 of a 5 part series taking a look at the past, present, and future of the Mennonite identity. In this session Titus takes the listener thru the some of the historical foundations of the Anabaptist movement and asks "Can you name the three founders of the Anabaptist church?