To be a godly father may appear to be a daunting task. But the Bible way is really quite simple: teach your children about God, discipline them as needed, thank God for them, and don't anger them--and then do it God's way, over and over and over again.
Many believers have been taught that, in spite of anything a believer does, there is no way he or she could forfeit eternal salvation. What does the Bible teach about unconditional eternal security?
The Book of Revelation reveals Jesus Christ and God's provision for and protection of the redeemed. It gives hope for all those who place their trust in God.
Popular Christian culture has embraced divorce and remarriage almost as enthusiastically as the larger western culture. But have we thought through this issue Biblically? This article searches New Testament teaching for clarity on this critical issue.
How does a Christian grow stronger, resist temptation more firmly, shore up areas of weakness? From the joyful pen of a conqueror, Apostle Paul, learn ten "heart declarations" that will lead you upward toward the goal of VICTORY