The meaning of end time Bible prophecy is a field of study that receives a lot of attention in the world and the church. Is prophecy something we should be trying to figure out?
Heat is applied to gold for one reason—to burn out the dross. Is it a surprise then that Christ the refiner allows us to experience the fire of trials to help us become more like Him?
The Christian's hope is based on his faith that his Lord is alive. Is there good reason to believe Jesus rose from the dead or are Christians deceiving themselves?
God told the Israelites not to go back to Egypt. But the things the Egyptians offered to Israel looked inviting. God doesn't want us to live in sin. But sometimes the things satan has to offer are tempting. How do I stay out of Egypt (sin)? How do I come back to God after living in sin?
It is possible to abuse the name of God in several different ways. A study of the Third Commandment reveals that we may misuse it not only by swearing but also by irreverence and hypocrisy.
Life brings life questions. How would the Creator of Life have His children to think about…. euthanasia? safety procedures? animal rights? handicapped folk? contraceptives? abortion? Listen and be challenged to share God’s view of every life that has been created in His image.
Mr. Flint rode miles out ahead of the wagon train, scouting out a safe path for the caravan behind him. What responsibility do fathers have in charting a safe path for the innocent children God has placed into his care?