Collectively, we are haunted by the paradise we've lost. However, Christ has come to offer justification in the place of condemnation, life in the place of death, truth in the place of lies, and peace for turmoil. Is that an offer you can reject?
Children come into this world thinking only of one thing: me, me, me! However, somehow children must learn that they are here to be of service to others. Their mentality must take a 180-degree turn... and the challenge for helping developing this mindset rests on their parents. How do we do it?
Sometimes Christians get the idea that they should be able to enjoy God’s blessings without being subjected to His testings. However, God has told us that trials and suffering can be expected. Jesus' presence and the grace to endure hardships are promised, not comfort and pleasure here on earth.
Former Navy Lt. Cmdr. Tim Mooney, a Gulf War veteran, recounts the spiritual journey that led him from the military to a commitment to peace and nonresistance.
God can transform the worst of histories. Although Paul was a persecutor of the church God chose him to be the apostle to the Gentiles. He testified faithfully before the poor and rich alike.
For the honest individuals who battle with a guilt complex and search for satisfying answers to life's questions. May these selected passages of Scripture help them understand guilt and God's provision for peace of mind
One of the biggest sources of stress in life is our relationships with other people. Is avoiding those we clash with the answer or is there a better solution?
"People call us Mennonites. You may have thought we are different. Some people think we are odd. But we are not ashamed to be different from most professing Christians, because we are serious about obeying God and His Word."
Although Simon Peter denied Jesus three times on the night before His crucifixion he later became one of the pillars of the church. His example should be an encouragement to all who have fallen in their Christian lives.
How can we please God? A sermon that explores the lives of several men of whom it is said specifically that they pleased God, to learn what it takes to be among their number.
How delightful this world is! At least it was meant to be. God virtually crammed His creation with various pleasures. However not all pleasures are for the Christian. How can we know God's will in this?