There is a time and place for enjoying hunting, as well as other legitimate pass times. But in every season, God's people are to love Him with their whole heart, soul, strength and mind. May it be our passion to share the story of redemption with others!
What makes you feel secure? Money, popularity, or having cool stuff? Feeling secure has little to do with being secure after we die. Imagine standing before the righteous and holy God, knowing you are guilty of sin. Nothing could be less secure. How can you be truly secure, today and after you die?
Tragedy strikes once every ten minutes on American highways. Five motorists die each hour amid twisted steel and shattered glass. Automobile accidents snuff out more than 800 lives every week and approximately 42,000 annually.
You won't find lasting joy gift-wrapped at the base of an evergreen three, adorned with a red bow. But you can find it at the foot of a much uglier tree, cross-shaped and blood-stained. Christ came, not to remain a baby, but to give His life on that tree as the perfect sacrifice for sins.
The late pastor, Delton Martin, begins a series on the family by addressing men. This message presents a heartsearching call for today's men to return to a vision of real men—strong, godly, pure, tender, unselfish, commited providers.
A look at Pharaoh the atheist, and some identifying characteristics of atheism, followed by a solemn warning: a born-again Christian may become an atheist. How can such a thing be?! Listen, and learn of eight things that may de-convert a Christian.
There is one thing you will always find in the center of every good relationship: what is it? There are three things that together form a good relationship: what are they? Relationships are a result, not a pursuit; by following God’s plan, we can enjoy good relationships.
An in-depth discussion on baptism as taught in the Scriptures, with various types of baptisms examined, and a close look at the baptismal events mentioned in the New Testament