Marriage, which God instituted at Creation, is recognized worldwide as a wholesome relationship. Jesus reiterated His Father's original intent of marriage as a lifelong arrangement., and the apostles noted that marriage is a type of Christ and His Bride, the church. How does divorce fit in?
Broken covenants require atonement. But in our broken relationship with the Creator, Jesus shed His blood to redeem that covenant relationship—the blood of the Lamb of God, "which taketh away the sin of the world."
Do you feel convicted, condemned, and guilty? Is there any hope? What is the way to peace? Listen to this message to discover God's provision for freedom from sin.
This is an audio recording of the reading of the Book of Ruth from KJV. This is an inspiring account of loss, faith, commitment, trust, and blessing. Be inspired as you listen.
What is humility? How do I get humility? Or, how do I know if I am humble? "Humility is one of those traits that, once you claim to have it, it gets away."
No matter which role you find yourself filling in the family - the prodigal failure or the faultless older brother - you will be challenged as you listen to this discourse on a familiar Bible story.
When God put man in the garden of Eden He told him not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man decided he knew better than God, defied Him, and broke the command. God's righteousness demanded that the sin be punished but His love promised redemption through Jesus.
Reincarnation is the belief that when the body dies, the soul is reborn and passes into another body. This teaching denies the reality of death and rules out the possibility of God’s judgment. Though some claim reincarnation is taught in the Bible, study will prove quite otherwise.