Session 1 of a 5 part series taking a look at the past, present, and future of the Mennonite identity. In this session Titus takes the listener thru the some of the historical foundations of the Anabaptist movement and asks "Can you name the three founders of the Anabaptist church?
Session 2 of a 5 part series taking a look at the past, present, and future of the Mennonite identity. In this session Titus takes the listener to the founders of the anabaptist movement in 1525 and closes with the story of Regina, "Infant baptism isn't enough, is it?" "My dear child it cannot be...
Session 3 of a 5 part series taking a look at the past, present, and future of the Mennonite identity. In this session Titus takes the listener thru the some of the history of the movement and asks "Are our beginnings biblical? How did the movement survive those first unorganized years?"
Session 4 of a 5 part series taking a look at the past, present, and future of the Mennonite identity. In this session Titus observes two key points of the Anabaptist faith. #1 The true church is willing to deal with sin - #2 is willing to obey the entire New Testament even the “unpopular” parts!
Session 5 of a 5 part series taking a look at the past, present, and future of the Mennonite identity. In this session Titus asks "What are some of the peculiarities of the Mennonite church?" He notes that knowing our history does no good at all if we refuse to embrace what we know to be true.
Who cares what you wear? Especially for young people, your peers care; your parents care; your neighbors care. But God cares too! And here's why you should care…
Whether you find yourself part of a body that is under the authority and leadership of the Head, or among those who call themselves "religiously unaffiliated", listen to this sermon and be challenged to grow in your understanding of your place in and contribution to the church of Jesus Christ
Why not? Well...can a Christian serve without breaching the Biblical principle of the unequal yoke? without resisting evil? without blurring the line between church and state? without taking revenge? The Christian has a higher calling than that of a juror: to be an ambassador of peace and love.
A congregation sits hushed as a child barely six years old gives a testimony before his baptism and union with the church. Several times he loses his train of thought, and the pastor must prompt him. At last he finishes and is baptized on his testimony... What do you think of this picture?
We live in an age where there is vast information at our fingertips. What are the dangers of the web and radio? Are we being caught in a trap of false information?
Who is the wife to reverence, submit to, assist, encourage, and admire? According to the Bible, it is her own husband. Some practical teaching on how she can best fill her place and become the help God created her to be for him.