You may never have seen, heard or felt the presence of angels but they do exist. They are ministering spirits who guide and protect God's children. Though they differ in position and authority they all are obedient to God.
Who is the Holy Spirit? Many regard Him as merely an impersonal force—a sort of divine influence emanating from God. In truth He is a distinct person in the God-head, with a special work and personality.
Christianity does not consist merely of observing certain practices. However the ordinances are perpetual reminders of great Christian truths. Each ordinance is a tangible token which aids our minds in comprehending the mysteries of God.
The most common emotion in the lives of human beings is fear. While we need fear to help keep us safe, too much of it will make us destroy ourselves. By the grace of God, this wrong fear can be overcome.
If you believe in God as the supreme Creator of the earth you will realize that He is the only thing you can worship. Our generation has made money, pleasure, science and a host of other things its idols. Who are you worshiping?
Many people emphasize staying physically fit while they pay no attention to their spiritual health. Yet spiritual exercise will benefit us even more than strong muscles ever can for it yields rewards throughout eternity.
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray He gave the Lord's prayer. It is one of the most well known passages of the Bible but this may contribute to praying it without thinking about the words. Have you really thought about what the Lord's Prayer means?
The Christian's hope is based on his faith that his Lord is alive. Is there good reason to believe Jesus rose from the dead or are Christians deceiving themselves?
It is possible to abuse the name of God in several different ways. A study of the Third Commandment reveals that we may misuse it not only by swearing but also by irreverence and hypocrisy.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, spent a great amount of time hunting for happiness. He sought it in luxury, knowledge, wine, and lust but he couldn't find it because it wasn't there. Finally he realized that the only place happiness can be found is in the Lord.
The Holy Spirit gives gifts to meet the needs inside and outside of the church. Among these gifts are miracles, healings, and speaking in tongues. Many Christians are troubled that we do not see more miracles; does this mean the Spirit is not moving in us?
Christmas: it is more than a time to gather with family, eat good food, and unwrap gifts. Christmas centers around a person, Christ the Lord, and the reasons He came to earth so long ago.
Surely God doesn't mind if we live together without a marriage certificate. After all, it doesn't hurt anything. Or does it? Is there a reason why Christians should be objecting to this new morality?