What constitutes marriage? What constitutes divorce? Does God condone it? What about remarriage? When relationships become tangled, we go to the Scriptures to learn what Jesus would say about the situation, and follow His Word to straighten the issues.
God has created man with a controllable sex drive. Gratification cancels out satisfaction; satisfaction means no immediate gratification. You and I continually make the choice between the two... because we cannot have both.
Do you know the history and meaning behind Halloween? Should Christians participate in Halloween festivities? Is it possible for Christians to have homes with "hallowed evenings"? Yes indeed! Listen and learn how.
How can we offer help to troubled youth in a way that they can benefit? Below are seven ways to hold out a helping hand instead of pointing an accusing finger.
How does a Christian respond when he's wronged or treat unfairly? He faces a choice to become patient or revengeful. Christ prayed for his tormentors, "Father forgive them: for they know not what they do." Is this how we respond?
Impaired or enlarged—which will we choose? Without question God will allow us to suffer in our earth journey. One option leads to a narrowed view and ability to serve others. The choice to see God involved in our lives helps us reach out, beyond our suffering, to others. Which will we choose?
Climate change is a topic of discussion. What does it mean? Some may feel it is because "Mother Nature" is upset with humans. Christians believe it is a way that "Father God" is using to awaken men to the seriousness of sin and the consequences of it.
So why can’t we go to Tim and say that his eyes should be opened so he can receive his sight? They certainly could have done that in Jesus’ day! Is there something wrong with our faith, that we are unable to heal people like the disciples did when Jesus was here?
This article explores mortal and venial sins from the viewpoints held by three different church groups, and all of them compared with the Word of God. The better we understand what the Bible teaches about this subject, the better we will know how to deal redemptively with the sinner.
In the ever-expanding list of disorderly behaviors identified by psychologists, what should a Christian parent believe? Do we change the basic Biblical child-training beliefs we have been taught? A brief look at several disorders, and a call to raise families according to the truths of the Bible.
"People call us Mennonites. You may have thought we are different. Some people think we are odd. But we are not ashamed to be different from most professing Christians, because we are serious about obeying God and His Word."
It is a blessing to the church to have a constant stream of new “outsiders” coming into the church. It is a blessing to have a rising generation who articulates their doubts about practices of the past. These force us to evaluate our norm, our status quo, to bring it in line with eternal truth.