Even in marriage, the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart. This message gives tribute to the beauty of marriage, and deep husband and wife relationships—the hearthrobs that make a house a home.
Many people today care mostly for themselves and perhaps their families. In contrast, the child of God will love all people with the love of God. What does this mean?
Should Christians participate in voting, jury duty, military service or political office? Can a Christian’s primary identity be American? The citizens of the kingdom of heaven come from every nation, and that being the case, how can Christians go to war? These questions and more are answered here.
How did the universe begin? How old is the earth? Does evolution give us satisfactory answers? Listen as we explore the depths of these questions and see how clearly the Bible answers them.
If you are a “God and country” Christian, this message may seem strange to you. Kai assumes a conflict between God and country, and goes on to speak to what unrivaled loyalty to God’s kingdom can really mean.
You may never have seen, heard or felt the presence of angels but they do exist. They are ministering spirits who guide and protect God's children. Though they differ in position and authority they all are obedient to God.
A. W. Tozer says, “To escape the error of salvation by works, many professing Christians have fallen into the opposite error of teaching salvation without obedience.” Are you willing to obey Jesus unconditionally?
In Matthew 8 and 9 we see some demonstrations of the power of Jesus. Some miracles were performed to help others and others to prove He was the Messiah. In every instance Jesus was in perfect control of the situation.
Who is the Holy Spirit? Many regard Him as merely an impersonal force—a sort of divine influence emanating from God. In truth He is a distinct person in the God-head, with a special work and personality.
God wants us to serve Him in purity and truth.
Satan, however, is in an all-out war against Christians.
We need strong Christian families in our world today. We need men—real men, to stand up for truth no matter the cost!
Will you be one of those men?
What is the New Birth? It is a work of God in our hearts that makes us completely new. It is a passing from death to life, from Satan's kingdom to God's, and it will affect every area of our lives. Do you know what all this New Birth really involves?
The Bible is an old book. Most of its writers lived over two thousand years ago, but its message is still fresh and up-to-date. "Ye must be born again," applies as much to us as it did to people back then. But what exactly is the new birth and how can a person know if they have experienced it?