On Pentecost Sunday we commemorate the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus. The Spirit came upon them and gave them the power they needed to testify and die for their Lord. From that moment on their lives were changed.
When God put man in the garden of Eden He told him not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man decided he knew better than God, defied Him, and broke the command. God's righteousness demanded that the sin be punished but His love promised redemption through Jesus.
Reincarnation is the belief that when the body dies, the soul is reborn and passes into another body. This teaching denies the reality of death and rules out the possibility of God’s judgment. Though some claim reincarnation is taught in the Bible, study will prove quite otherwise.
The words of John 14 were spoken while Jesus and His twelve Disciples were still reclining around the table at the Lord’s Supper. Several things were troubling the disciples but Jesus reassured them with some beautiful promises.
Who you marry will affect the whole rest of your life, therefore, courtship is the time to consider the character of the person you are dating and to lay a good foundation for marriage.
When the Holy Spirit lives in a Christian certain virtues will be seen in that person's life. These are called the fruit of the Spirit for He alone can produce them in us.
Isaiah 53 is a grand prophetic summary of Jesus' life and death, written more than 700 years before He was born. It contains the essence of the Gospel in the major highlights of Jesus' life, from the virgin birth to the resurrection.
The Great Tribulation as set forth in the Scriptures is a time of frightful judgment at the close of this age. It is a such a terrible time that Jesus said that unless the days had been shortened no one would remain alive.
Wisdom, as we commonly think of it, is the ability to follow a sound course of action, based on knowledge and long experience. Wisdom, as used in the Proverbs, begins with reverence and awe for God, and leads to living life in accord with God’s plan.