If you knew that you were to come face to face with God in five minutes, on what basis could you find the assurance to remain calm and serene?…enter God's mercy, and the magnificent mercy seat…
Every person is born with a built in realization that there is a Being greater than himself and with a need to worship. God put this in man so that he would seek Him. His majesty is beyond our comprehension yet He longs to establish a relationship with each person in the world.
Devils work in opposition to God. They compose an entire kingdom of spirit-beings, and are governed and controlled by Satan himself. Their goal is to destroy the souls of men.
The resurrection of Jesus assures that He is living today and has all power in Heaven and earth. That power is available to help us overcome sin. When we have been changed by the power of Jesus it will be obvious in at least several different ways.
A missionary in India learns about pearls from his old friend, and what he learns helps him point the pearl diver to a priceless pearl... eternal life.
Even in marriage, the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart. This message gives tribute to the beauty of marriage, and deep husband and wife relationships—the hearthrobs that make a house a home.
How did the universe begin? How old is the earth? Does evolution give us satisfactory answers? Listen as we explore the depths of these questions and see how clearly the Bible answers them.
If you are a “God and country” Christian, this message may seem strange to you. Kai assumes a conflict between God and country, and goes on to speak to what unrivaled loyalty to God’s kingdom can really mean.
You may never have seen, heard or felt the presence of angels but they do exist. They are ministering spirits who guide and protect God's children. Though they differ in position and authority they all are obedient to God.
Who is the Holy Spirit? Many regard Him as merely an impersonal force—a sort of divine influence emanating from God. In truth He is a distinct person in the God-head, with a special work and personality.