Do you feel that the church is full of hypocrites? And what does hash at a picnic have to do with phony Christians? Read how some tainted hash changed Uncle Ben's perspective on hypocrites.
The Holy Spirit is probably the most misunderstood person of the Godhead yet He is an important part of our salvation. It is a serious thing to offend Him. It robs us of peace and of usefulness. And if one continues to grieve and insult and quench Him, it may rob that person of his eternal reward.
The generation gap has been a problem for years. Parents complain that they can't reason with teenagers; they won't listen to advice. Teenagers say their parents are unsympathetic and don't understand them. The principles in God's Word still apply though to these problems of today.
So—you believe in God? How do you know that He is pleased with you? Is “being religious” what He wants of you? How do you know that you will be on the right side on Judgment Day?
In Pharaoh's house there were frogs in the bedrooms, on the seats, in the food. Yet when God let him decide when the curse of frogs should be removed, he said, "Tomorrow". It seems foolish that he asked for one more night with the frogs but in reality many of us are doing the same thing.
The privilege of belonging to God's family brings with it rare blessings, and certain restrictions. Theirs is the delight and pleasure of being personally guided and jealously guarded by the Holy Spirit.
As Western Christians, we've minimized a subject Jesus emphasized—our wealth. What if your possessions belong to those who need them as much as they belong to you? How would viewing poverty and possessions through Jesus' perspective effect your life?
What is the root of the selfie spirit? Can you picture Jesus Christ taking a selfie and posting it? If He would not, should His followers? This sermon is an insightful view of the self-centered selfie, and when you have listened to it, you will know the answers to the questions above.