The “evolution” of humanity continues, and another hint of expanded sexual freedom is in the air. Should we celebrate? This article investigates the divine perspective on the modern move to comfort the homosexual and redefine sexual boundaries.
Is there a God that cares about what happens to man? Does He love mankind? Is He powerful enough to do anything He chooses? If so why is there so much suffering in this world? Why do some people seem blessed and others just struggle along? If He loves man so much why does life seem so unfair?
There are many kinds of emotional problems, and causes for them. They seem to be increasing at an alarming rate. What might be causing this epidemic? Do emotional difficulties bring opportunities for spiritual growth? God has designed us with emotions that can enrich our lives if lived by His plan.
Thoughtful Christian courtship is the perfect foundation to genuine, enduring love in marriage. When faith and romance meet, youth should remember these essential ideas: counsel; full surrender; Christ the centre; then follow your heart.
Before Jesus left the earth He said that He would come again. Two thousand years have passed and the promise is still not fulfilled. Is there reason to believe He will keep His promise?
How did Jesus fulfill the type of the Jewish Passover? How does His death coincide with the death of the Passover lamb? Most importantly, WHAT DOES JESUS' DEATH MEAN FOR US TODAY? How are Christians to live like Him? How does God's will affect the doctrine of predestination?
Here is an inseparable union deciding how to use their liquid resources to glorify God. How shall they manage their money without it managing them? As they make carefully use what He has entrusted to their care, they do well to remember that marriage has higher purposes than financial success.
Mary and Martha: both women were kind and faithful disciples of Jesus, but their characters and temperaments differed. They are wonderful examples of how different true Christians can be.