God has a plan for man's happiness—so Satan made a counterfeit plan. Following Satan's plan and trying to find happiness in money, sex, drugs, or good deeds is like leaning on a crutch that breaks and pierce your hand with splinters.
Peter, the bold preacher of the New Testament church, denied Jesus three times during His trial. In this sad failure there are lessons we can learn for Peter does not stand alone in this temptation and sin. There are many times that we also may be tempted to deny our Lord.
September 11, 2001 is a date most Americans remember. The sense of security people felt vanished as news of the terrorist attacks spread. As time goes on, some of the memories fade, but there are still many lessons we can learn from that day.
When God chooses, He can show mighty miracles by the hands of His prophets, as He did with Elijah. Elijah trusted and obeyed every word his God said even when it looked it would bring his death. The results were amazing.
Among the heroes of faith in the Bible is Gideon, a man who obeyed God when the odds were impossible. By faith Gideon and his 300 men defeated an army of 135,000. He was only a poor farmer's son but God saw he had the courage it would take to go forward.
Jochebed, the mother of Moses, is a relatively unknown character but she is noted among the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11. Through faith she hid her baby boy so that he would not be killed. That baby became one of the greatest leaders God's people ever had.
The prophet Micaiah is not well known but he is a wonderful example of telling the truth at great risk and letting the results up to God. Four hundred angry men and a king who could order him killed did not make him stretch or change the truth.
Asking for advice is good, but you must follow it for it to be of any use. Rehoboam is an example of someone who ignored wise counsel from older men and turned to the advice of his friends instead. The results were far worse than he could have imagined.
God rewards faith, love, and courage when He finds it. Ruth is a beautiful example of someone who entered God's family from a background of idolatry and sin and was blessed.
The early Christians aimed to not only be correct in doctrinal beliefs but also to be intense about living a Christ-like, holy life. Our goal, like theirs, is to balance belief with upright and holy behavior.
Simeon and Anna, two old saints of God, were among the first to recognize the baby Jesus for who He was. To them the Messiah's birth was truly glad tidings of great joy.