Most of us have heard statements such as, “Isn’t it terrible how these young people are dabbling with drugs?” What is the ultimate cure to the drug problem?
How did Judas, a disciple who was deeply trusted, become the man that betrayed Jesus? A spirit of slander, a driving covetousness, and ultimately, a refusal to confess sin turned a Christ follower into a suicidal Christ betrayer.
The Bible has truths for everyone, but the book of Genesis is foundational to our belief about God, our reason for existence, ethics, morality, and the creation of man. The casting away of the book of Genesis is a sinister warning of moral decay in our society.
Day after day, people rush from project to project, responsibility to responsibility, obligation to obligation. Christ still says, “Come; I will give you rest." This invitation is from our Savior. Yet, as He walked among men, He was one who knew little rest. So how can this be?
The Holy Spirit has given different gifts to different Christians to be used in building God's Kingdom. Do you know what all the spiritual gifts include?
Most believers who have confessed that Jesus Christ is Lord have probably prayed that God would be glorified in their lives. So how is God glorified in the life of a Christian?
You have left Jerusalem, and now you are being sent to Judea/Samaria. Where are those areas, for you? Who will you meet there? You may well meet folks seeking after the Lord, ‘if haply they might find him.’ Look for the seekers in ethnic groups, soup kitchens, prisons and elderly care facilities.
And now "to the uttermost"--the unreached people groups. How many are there? Where will we find them? And to all who have heard the Great Co-Mission as given by our Lord: Will you be a Goer? Will you be a Sender? Or--will you be Disobedient?
Christians acknowledge that the trinitarian nature of God is a mystery that no amount of illustrating and explaining will ever be able to unravel. Rather than apologize for this, we view it as further evidence that God is indeed the kind of God we need: a God who is greater than we can comprehend.