From His very own mother to the religious Pharisees, and from John the disciple to the soldiers who crucified Him, many watched Christ die. Weep with those who wept; discover Jesus with those who discovered Jesus—Jesus, Who died as few men die.
This is a very real problem, and not just "out there"- it is native to us all. Life brings disappointments and pain and circumstances that we can do nothing to change, but God wants us to be overcomers, to get up off the bottom of life and choose to look at life His way.
Broken covenants require atonement. But in our broken relationship with the Creator, Jesus shed His blood to redeem that covenant relationship—the blood of the Lamb of God, "which taketh away the sin of the world."
Do you feel convicted, condemned, and guilty? Is there any hope? What is the way to peace? Listen to this message to discover God's provision for freedom from sin.
This is an audio recording of the reading of the Book of Ruth from KJV. This is an inspiring account of loss, faith, commitment, trust, and blessing. Be inspired as you listen.
No matter which role you find yourself filling in the family - the prodigal failure or the faultless older brother - you will be challenged as you listen to this discourse on a familiar Bible story.
Christ has dreamed a dream: His dream is a perfectly glorious Bride. Do you share that dream with Him? Do you see it? Feel it? Live in it? Seven rock-solid glories from Hebrews 12 to admire and strive for.
The Gospel of Jesus is the foundation of Christianity and our hope. What will happen to the person who accepts that Gospel as the truth on which to build his life? How will the world recognize the disciples of Jesus? Do you know how to help someone accept that Gospel for his own life?