Jesus has been under attack in our world for many years. I invite you to consider the first four verses of 1 John. These verses contend that Jesus Christ is the only way to God. Although much of our culture disagrees with this idea and poses clever arguments against it, this passage shows that Jesus
A clear explanation of how Jesus erased our sin and set us free. And when the record of our sin has been covered with the blood of the Lamb of God, what do we owe the Justifier?
Collectively, we are haunted by the paradise we've lost. However, Christ has come to offer justification in the place of condemnation, life in the place of death, truth in the place of lies, and peace for turmoil. Is that an offer you can reject?
Have you ever wondered, with the Christians in Rome, why it is that if God’s grace is so glorious in forgiveness, we shouldn’t keep on sinning so He can keep on forgiving us? If so, take the time to listen to Paul’s answer to them as found in Romans 6.
The criminal and the King were crucified side by side. Amid their punishment, the criminal was the first to fully see past the cross to the King coming into His kingdom.
From His very own mother to the religious Pharisees, and from John the disciple to the soldiers who crucified Him, many watched Christ die. Weep with those who wept; discover Jesus with those who discovered Jesus—Jesus, Who died as few men die.
Do you feel convicted, condemned, and guilty? Is there any hope? What is the way to peace? Listen to this message to discover God's provision for freedom from sin.
The Gospel of Jesus is the foundation of Christianity and our hope. What will happen to the person who accepts that Gospel as the truth on which to build his life? How will the world recognize the disciples of Jesus? Do you know how to help someone accept that Gospel for his own life?
Who can know the mind of Christ? What can we learn from God's creation? What are some of the mysteries of God? Listen to this sermon to find out more about the great God we serve.
Is your Life like a Desert? Are you longing for something this world can't supply you?
Be like the Samaritan Woman and Accept the Source of Living Water.