One who steals deprives another of property that rightfully belongs to that person. Life today offers a hundred ways to be dishonest that we may be tempted to try in order to get ahead. Although you may never become a house breaker you still might be a thief.
This book is intended to be a study guide to equip men to a life of service to God. The lessons are designed to work as a self guided study or a group study. The goal is to develop Godly character in all areas of life.
Everyone has sinned —and so every one of us is guilty before God, and every one of us needs to be saved. By responding to Jesus Christ in faith we can find His divine salvation.
God the Creator and Christ the Saviour are described in the Revelation. We see Almighty God enthroned in Heaven with everything under His control and Christ, the Lamb of God, as the one who is worthy of all our worship.
What is humility? How do I get humility? Or, how do I know if I am humble? "Humility is one of those traits that, once you claim to have it, it gets away."
On Pentecost Sunday we commemorate the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus. The Spirit came upon them and gave them the power they needed to testify and die for their Lord. From that moment on their lives were changed.
When God put man in the garden of Eden He told him not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man decided he knew better than God, defied Him, and broke the command. God's righteousness demanded that the sin be punished but His love promised redemption through Jesus.
Reincarnation is the belief that when the body dies, the soul is reborn and passes into another body. This teaching denies the reality of death and rules out the possibility of God’s judgment. Though some claim reincarnation is taught in the Bible, study will prove quite otherwise.
The words of John 14 were spoken while Jesus and His twelve Disciples were still reclining around the table at the Lord’s Supper. Several things were troubling the disciples but Jesus reassured them with some beautiful promises.