A concise writing that explains the beginnings of Mormonism and examines several of their basic beliefs, comparing the things they profess to believe with the Word of God, and ends with a plea to any who hold this erroneous doctrine to choose the only way to God: His Son Jesus Christ.
"God of our strength, enthroned above..." Is your life dedicated to the glory of God? Is your faith, confidence and trust in His strength, or is it in your own strength?
Do you know where your life is heading? (No, we don't mean whether you are facing north or west). Life is a one-way street toward eternity, and you will need a Road Map to assist you on the highway. Do you know where to find up-to-date guidance?
All liars... shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone” (Revelation 21:8). Really? I cannot believe God would condemn me for just a lie. Surely He will overlook a few little lies. All liars condemned? Impossible!
Championing A Faith That Works. Anabaptist Voice is published quarterly and seeks to interpret Bible truth in a simple childlike way, and to apply Bible teaching to the lives of living saints in a practical manner.
The future for the Anabaptist community is linked to Scripture. Our forefathers read and studied the Bible and took it at face value. We, today, must do the same.
What makes you feel secure? Money, popularity, or having cool stuff? Feeling secure has little to do with being secure after we die. Imagine standing before the righteous and holy God, knowing you are guilty of sin. Nothing could be less secure. How can you be truly secure, today and after you die?
We have only one hope of salvation. That is to crucify our carnal mind, receive the “mind of Christ" and be born of the Spirit. The Bible teaches us that sin is overcome, not by determination, but by giving up—by surrendering our all in faith to Christ, and being born of the Spirit.
Second Timothy is the last letter that Paul ever wrote. The letter is Paul's final farewell. He was in prison because of his faith—jailed for preaching Christ and the resurrection from the dead. This article covers three main points from Paul's final exhortation.
There is no question that our conversation has much bearing on the witness and testimony that we leave with others. As Christians, should we be using “kids” in referring to children, or “the old man/lady” in reference to older people, or parents?
There are many things in this world that can not be known with certainty. But it is wonderful to have rock-solid Truth that we can count on to be forever the same. Let us never give more importance to the ideas of men than to the Word of God.
If you answer that question in the affirmative, your belief will move you to action. You cannot study the Holy Scriptures and remain unchanged! Regardless of your condition—sinner or saint—you will change.
Some truths, kindly pointed out and explained, to the person comfortable in the thought that sincerity is what counts. Salvation is NOT dependent upon sincerity, and it is a world of difference--in fact, an eternity of difference!--what a person believes about the Lord Jesus Christ.
We don't like to think about growing old. But man’s mortality rate is 100%. And after death comes judgment. That’s reality, whether or not we try to duck it. Do you want to know what God says about it?
Jesus, the greatest "strong man" who ever lived, "pleased not Himself." Instead of controlling others, He influenced. Instead of selfishness, He used His strength for others and for His Father's glory.