God is an amazing Being who wants to get your attention. Where are you on the scale of responding to Him?
Can I be sure that I am saved? What if there is some sin in my life I forgot about that will keep me out of heaven? The Bible teaches that the Christian can know his standing before God. There are answers to those questions.
The Holy Spirit pleads with lost souls to be saved today. Too many people put Him off and say, "There's plenty of time, I'll get saved later." If you are doing this do you realize the danger you are putting yourself in?
This book is intended to be a study guide to equip men to a life of service to God. The lessons are designed to work as a self guided study or a group study. The goal is to develop Godly character in all areas of life.
Everyone has sinned —and so every one of us is guilty before God, and every one of us needs to be saved. By responding to Jesus Christ in faith we can find His divine salvation.
Why would God ever stoop to become a man? The answer? He loved us so much He wanted to make a way for us to be saved. Without the incarnation there could have been no perfect sacrifice for our sins and we would have been separated from God forever.
Following Jesus is the responsibility and honor of every Christian. It means thinking His thoughts, loving what He loves, hating what He hates, and making His goals and desires our own. There is no greater honor or joy on earth.
Life is an aging process and for those who reach old age there are special challenges and blessings. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, describes life and old age well in the book of Ecclesiastes.
What do salvation and a lost sailboat have in common? Read to find out.
The glory of Jesus is an inexhaustible subject. He is worthy of all the praise and honor that man can ever give. Do you know what makes Him so special?
A missionary in India learns about pearls from his old friend, and what he learns helps him point the pearl diver to the priceless pearl of eternal life
A. W. Tozer says, “To escape the error of salvation by works, many professing Christians have fallen into the opposite error of teaching salvation without obedience.” Are you willing to obey Jesus unconditionally?
What is the New Birth? It is a work of God in our hearts that makes us completely new. It is a passing from death to life, from Satan's kingdom to God's, and it will affect every area of our lives. Do you know what all this New Birth really involves?
The Bible is an old book. Most of its writers lived over two thousand years ago, but its message is still fresh and up-to-date. "Ye must be born again," applies as much to us as it did to people back then. But what exactly is the new birth and how can a person know if they have experienced it?
The Bible contains many illustrations of potters and clay. The potter refers to God and the clay to His people. As we seek to understand the potter’s work, truths about our spiritual lives begin to emerge.