The first seven times that the words of Jesus are recorded in the Bible provide an interesting look into what was important to Him.
Who you marry will affect the whole rest of your life, therefore, courtship is the time to consider the character of the person you are dating and to lay a good foundation for marriage.
Who offers a better freedom- Christian rebirth or the American revolution? Who offers more freedom from tyranny- America or Jesus Christ? Who has broken more chains for men in this land- Independence or Dependence on Jesus Christ? How do we obtain true freedom?
When the Holy Spirit lives in a Christian certain virtues will be seen in that person's life. These are called the fruit of the Spirit for He alone can produce them in us.
Christ's second coming is the hope of the church. The promise is clear — and we do not try to explain it away.
God is sovereign, He wants us to follow Him and to obey His bidding. We can choose to be disobedient. But if we are, He will gently at first, and then more forcefully, bring to our mind the realization that He wants our first love. He will not force Himself on you but seeks to draw you to Him.
Isaiah 53 is a grand prophetic summary of Jesus' life and death, written more than 700 years before He was born. It contains the essence of the Gospel in the major highlights of Jesus' life, from the virgin birth to the resurrection.
The Great Tribulation as set forth in the Scriptures is a time of frightful judgment at the close of this age. It is a such a terrible time that Jesus said that unless the days had been shortened no one would remain alive.
The third chapter of the book of Jonah is full of action and great miracles. The prophet's preaching of God's simple message led to one of the greatest revivals of all time.
How great is God’s mercy? In the book of Jonah we get a tiny glimpse as God gently drew the people of Nineveh and Jonah back to Himself.
Does it matter what I wear? Take a look at what immodest dress is doing to our society and decide for yourself.
Wisdom, as we commonly think of it, is the ability to follow a sound course of action, based on knowledge and long experience. Wisdom, as used in the Proverbs, begins with reverence and awe for God, and leads to living life in accord with God’s plan.
God has a loving concern for all people, whether it is the sinner on the street or the self-righteous church member. He wants both to experience His forgiveness and love.
All of us are familiar with people who are angry and bitter because of past offenses. Their relationships with others are in shambles because they refuse to forgive. Although many do not realize it, forgiving others is a beautiful gift you give yourself.
Why would God ever stoop to become a man? The answer? He loved us so much He wanted to make a way for us to be saved. Without the incarnation there could have been no perfect sacrifice for our sins and we would have been separated from God forever.