This sounds like it will be hard to do! Do you suppose it would be easier….if we knew that we possessed something of incomparable value that no one can spoil? …if we believed that we have a personal and powerful Friend who will settle all scores fairly someday?
This is a very real problem, and not just "out there"- it is native to us all. Life brings disappointments and pain and circumstances that we can do nothing to change, but God wants us to be overcomers, to get up off the bottom of life and choose to look at life His way.
Heat is applied to gold for one reason—to burn out the dross. Is it a surprise then that Christ the refiner allows us to experience the fire of trials to help us become more like Him?
Life Happens, How will we respond to what life brings our way? will we be a victim of our circumstances or will we allow those circumstances to make us better?
Do you struggle with life’s unanswerable “whys”? Is it God who allows hard things, bad things, pain and death to happen? When we pray and it seems God does not respond, what is wrong?
Worry is an almost universal illness. There is a never ending stream of things that can be worried about yet doing so never fixes anything. If you want to be free from the curse of worry learn to trust Jesus. He is the only source of true peace.