The question of divorce and its lawfulness is of long standing. Once the question was put to Jesus, “Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife?” He had an answer.
Is divorce permitted by Jesus?
“The fool hath said . . . There is no God” (Psalm 14:1). Do you want a life worth living? Seek your Creator.
If you answer that question in the affirmative, your belief will move you to action. You cannot study the Holy Scriptures and remain unchanged! Regardless of your condition—sinner or saint—you will change.
A person begins to know the Lord when he repents of his sins and believes in Christ as his Lord and Savior. But truly knowing God goes far beyond this first step. It is a living relationship with a living God.
Is God interested in the state of my health? Does sickness indicate that a person is not pleasing Him? Even though we have faith to be healed of physical ailments, He may choose to not restore health; but we may depend upon Him for spiritual healing, always.
Some truths, kindly pointed out and explained, to the person comfortable in the thought that sincerity is what counts. Salvation is NOT dependent upon sincerity, and it is a world of difference--in fact, an eternity of difference!--what a person believes about the Lord Jesus Christ.
The song writer answered this question for us: “Oh, yes, He cares! I know He cares!” But how does He show that He cares when we face difficulties, disease, disaster, death? Be comforted as you listen to this sermon, and learn to recognize ways that Jesus is showing you that He really cares.
The Word of God is like a mirror. It presents a correct and complete description of the face of the soul. To benefit from this mirror we must spend time looking into it and then act on what we see. Or as the Bible says, be doer and not only a listener.
Dordrecht Confession of Faith (Mennonite, 1632) Adopted April 21, 1632, by a Dutch Mennonite Conference held at Dordrecht, Holland.
Would you call both of these things sin? Would you rate them equally harmful habits? Would you like to have victory over either one, or both? Would you be interested in knowing what God thinks about these things? Read on...
We don't like to think about growing old. But man’s mortality rate is 100%. And after death comes judgment. That’s reality, whether or not we try to duck it. Do you want to know what God says about it?