Are you eternally secure in your salvation, or under certain circumstances can you lose the promise of heaven and again be on the path to hell?
Although many people may skip meals for various reasons Biblical fasting is always to have a spiritual purpose. Fasting is not a way to force God to do what you want Him to but it does bring blessing and power to those who practice it rightly.
A friend is someone you trust and respect for who they are, not for what they can do for you. Friendship is one of the things that makes life worth living.
In a world where most homes are in shambles a stable, contented family is rare. Your family does not have to be that way though. When every person accepts the role God has planned for them in the home it is a peaceful happy place.
How can we offer help to troubled youth in a way that they can benefit? Below are seven ways to hold out a helping hand instead of pointing an accusing finger.
Faith is one of the basic ingredients in getting right with God. It is a conviction of the reality of things which we do not see. Although many mock faith in unseen things in reality everyone believes in the invisible. Faith in God will bring you through many rough places, and finally, to Heaven.
Probably the most difficult thing we have to do in life is to make decisions. Life is one long succession of choices; how do we know the Lord's will in them?
Most of us know what we should or should not do, our consciences tell us what is sin. Living above that sin is an altogether different matter though. Is it possible?
Prayer; to some it is a way to try and coax God to give them what they want, to others it is a mere ritual to be performed at a certain times. In reality it is a conversation between a child of God and the heavenly Father. What is prayer to you?
One of the primary ways to grow spiritually is through Bible study. In spite of the many benefits and blessings of Bible study to many it is something to be rushed through if taken time for at all. If this is how it is for you there are a few different approaches which may help.
All of us have been given a little chunk out of eternity called "time". It is a gift which God gives sparingly, and therefore it is not to be wasted. For someday, as with all of God's gifts, we will have to give account for how we used it.
Is how we manage money important? Does it matter if I buy what I want so long as I keep the bills paid?
One of the great duties and privileges of a Christian is to tell others about Jesus. While most of us know this the thought of actually witnessing scares us. However as with many other things in life, the best way to learn is by doing.
Discrimination, unfairness, rejection, injustices, offenses; what should be done with life's inequalities? He is a foolish man who insists on stubbing his toe just because there is a stumbling block in his path. Christ showed us what to do with rejections and hurts; let us learn from His example.
"You see, at one time I was a drunkard."… Are you too enslaved by an addiction you want to be freed from? Here is one first-hand account of one man whom Christ set free.