Evolution - Fact or Fancy?

This treatise is for three categories of people: first, those who have been influenced by evolutionary theories; second, those who are not clear in their beliefs; and third, for those who believe that God's Word is true and harmonizes with science.


Our purpose in printing this book is threefold:

First, for the atheist, unbeliever or agnostic, who has been under the influence of the teachers of evolution, we would like to expose some of the errors in the reasoning used to support evolution. We would like to encourage a sincere unbiased study of the “evidence” available for evolution, and to draw an honest conclusion based on the facts, rather than the theories and assumptions developed by evolutionists.

Secondly, for the Christian who has through the public school system or other means come in contact with evolutionary teachings, and has become somewhat confused or shaken in faith by their claims, we hope this little book will expose the errors of evolution, and encourage a study of the facts when confronted by ungodly theories and fictions.

Thirdly, for the Christian who has never doubted the creation account, we hope this book will show the harmony of the Christian faith and scientific fact. The godlessness taught in Science classes in modern schools and other media has had the sad effect of turning some Christians against scientific fact. The unfortunate result is a faith separated from reality and fact. The faith that God desires in us is a faith in His word and His creation; a faith that recognizes that His Word is true and His creation will only testify to its truth. Untruths can not be proven! We should reject ungodly theories, but never scientific facts. We need the discernment to recognize the difference.

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse" (Rom. 1:20).

For all we would like to point to God who created the heavens and the earth, and His Son Jesus Christ who came into the world to save us from our sins.

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