God has created man with a controllable sex drive. Gratification cancels out satisfaction; satisfaction means no immediate gratification. You and I continually make the choice between the two...because we cannot have both.
How can you achieve great gain?
Do you know the history and meaning behind Halloween? Should Christians participate in Halloween festivities? Is it possible for Christians to have homes with "hallowed evenings"? Yes indeed! Listen and learn how.
What are the marks of homes that bloom for God? Just as blossoms vary in color, shape, and scent, so will homes vary; in talents, callings and abilities. But there is be one foundational principle in which every godly home is rooted: the goal to glorify God and bless His kingdom.
This message begins with the premise that it is right to be part of a church, then an analysis of two distinct types of churches follows. But what does God consider “right”? And if my church is not “right”, how I can help it to become so?
If I am saved, can I lose my salvation? How secure is my salvation? A brief, intense treatise on the doctrine of salvation and eternal security, and a look at sovereign free will, with a list of references to corroborate statements made, and another of verses used to promote unconditional security
Does God care about whether I am happy? Is there something special I need to do, or acquire, or become, in order to be happy? Listen to this sermon and you will find some answers for those questions.