Following Jesus is the responsibility and honor of every Christian. It means thinking His thoughts, loving what He loves, hating what He hates, and making His goals and desires our own. There is no greater honor or joy on earth.
Life is an aging process and for those who reach old age there are special challenges and blessings. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, describes life and old age well in the book of Ecclesiastes.
Are you ready to stand before God’s throne and be judged? All nations and all people will one day stand before the Lord and have the deeds of their lives exposed. Are you afraid? You don't need to be for God has clearly explained what He wants of us.
The central theme of the Book of Habakkuk is living by faith. Although the prophet lived in a land full of sins of every kind and prophesied judgement on those sins he found comfort in God.
In an era of politically active churches and religious organizations, Christians need to ask the question: “are church and state truly compatible?” There are intrinsic, irreconcilable differences, including its purpose, structure and method of control.
Clothing is a type of language. It announces social status/rank, a person's heroes, his convictions (or lack thereof). The Bible speaks to the issue of clothing, and to it we look for direction in our choices of appearance. What does your clothing tell observers about you?
Law: how should the Christian think about it? A careful look at moral law, God’s covenants with Noah and Abraham, the law He gave to Moses for the nation of Israel, and finally, the law of Christ. Several erroneous ideas about the Law are also addressed.
A look into Creator’s Book to explore the relationship between seeds planted and harvest gathered, the connection between decisions and consequences. They may be more important than you realize!
What is the devil: a friend, or an enemy? If he is an enemy, you do well to identify and avoid falling into his deceitful traps. In this sermon, six of his common subterfuges are exposed by the searchlight of God's Word for the falsehoods that they actually are. Protect yourself with Truth!
Is your Life like a Desert? Are you longing for something this world can't supply you? Be like the Samaritan Woman and Accept the Source of Living Water.