Who offers a better freedom- Christian rebirth or the American revolution? Who offers more freedom from tyranny- America or Jesus Christ? Who has broken more chains for men in this land- Independence or Dependence on Jesus Christ? How do we obtain true freedom?
The resurrection of Jesus assures that He is living today and has all power in Heaven and earth. That power is available to help us overcome sin. When we have been changed by the power of Jesus it will be obvious in at least several different ways.
Many people today care mostly for themselves and perhaps their families. In contrast, the child of God will love all people with the love of God. What does this mean?
Baptism is an ordinance that Jesus mentioned, and Himself practiced. The early church understood baptism to be a necessary step of obedience. What is the significance of this rite? How can we maintain a Scriptural view and practice of this ordinance?
Christianity does not consist merely of observing certain practices. However the ordinances are perpetual reminders of great Christian truths. Each ordinance is a tangible token which aids our minds in comprehending the mysteries of God.
A Scriptural view of why we meet to worship on the first day of the week.
The Holy Spirit gives gifts to meet the needs inside and outside of the church. Among these gifts are miracles, healings, and speaking in tongues. Many Christians are troubled that we do not see more miracles; does this mean the Spirit is not moving in us?
Could you recognize a controller? Here are some earmarks. How do you cope with a controller? Here is some wisdom. And what if...
What are the marks of a healthy church?
Discover the secret to being an effective missionary—simply following the example of Jesus. When your life is completely dedicated to the cause of the Kingdom, you can also enjoy the Father’s grace and power upon your life, working success in ways you never imagined.
Eleven marks of a scriptural church.
A congregation sits hushed as a child barely six years old gives a testimony before his baptism and union with the church. Several times he loses his train of thought, and the pastor must prompt him. At last he finishes and is baptized on his testimony... What do you think of this picture?