How can we please God? A sermon that explores the lives of several men of whom it is said specifically that they pleased God, to learn what it takes to be among their number.
Is holiness merely a lovely theory, an unreachable goal that God sets for us? Or is it a practical teaching that is meant to make a difference in how we live? The Bible says, "Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord" (Heb. 12:14) If that is true, we had better know how our lives measure up.
The church of Jesus is to be a pure bride for Him. To maintain this purity members who fail to live holy lives and are not repentant must be put out of the church. Some think church discipline cruel but when carried out in love it is for the eternal good of all involved.
The flag a ship flies identifies that ship. What flag are we flying on the ship of our life, God or Satan's? Or are we trying to sail under both of them?
Christians face many fleshly appeals that conflict with the claims of Christ. This message is a thoughtful, serious call to a life in Christ that is not controlled by fleshly desires.
God hates all sin and so if we are trying to please Him we must avoid the things He finds disgusting. In Proverbs we are given a list of seven things that are abominations to Him.
Have you ever wondered, with the Christians in Rome, why it is that if God’s grace is so glorious in forgiveness, we shouldn’t keep on sinning so He can keep on forgiving us? If so, take the time to listen to Paul’s answer to them as found in Romans 6.
"For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." (Galatians 6:8)
In this article, we are called to look at our lives in relation to God's Word. Are we trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord; or are we leaning, falling trees that are allowing the culture around us to erode our roots?.
If the Holy Spirit is living in a person, how will He show His presence? By signs and wonders? By victory over sinful habits? By speaking in tongues? By making God-honoring decisions? A look at how the Holy Spirit works in the life of a believer today.
Christians are under the Scriptural directive to make sure that everything we do is to the glory of God. So what will glorifying God look like when we're on vacation?
Summertime can bring a unique set of challenges to the Christian. Is our view of work, pleasure, vacation, and modesty defined by the world or by the Bible?
Temptations threaten young men's Christian commitment to purity. This message challenges young Christian men to a life of victory and uncompromising holiness.
Young Christian women are bombarded with contemporary views on beauty, modesty and chastity. However, the young woman who is committed to Christ will allow God to define true beauty and right conduct.