Children come into this world thinking only of one thing: me, me, me! However, somehow children must learn that they are here to be of service to others. Their mentality must take a 180-degree turn... and the challenge for helping developing this mindset rests on their parents. How do we do it?
In this Issue: Resolutions for 2021, "It Is Finished" In Creation, Exposing the Self-Love Concept, The Training Up of Children, What Can Transform Your Life
In this Issue: Is the Earth Flat?, The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World, High-Speed Chase, The Biblical View of Predestination, Job’s Science Test, Teaching Children Respect
Unrighteous anger is a wound that must be healed, lest others be hurt. In surrendering our wills to God, healing comes. But God cannot and will not force us to surrender our wills. A thought-provoking sermon especially directed to parents
The Bible message is the same now as it was centuries ago. And the basic human problem is the same. Teaching your children the truths of the Bible while they are young is one of the most important duties of parents for God alone can direct them safely through life.
Mr. Flint rode miles out ahead of the wagon train, scouting out a safe path for the caravan behind him. What responsibility do fathers have in charting a safe path for the innocent children God has placed into his care?
The Bible emphasizes control of the tongue as a matter of great importance. For such a small thing it has an amazing amount of power. Who has not heard things said that ripped their heart open or been encouraged by a compliment?
To be a godly father may appear to be a daunting task. But the Bible way is really quite simple: teach your children about God, discipline them as needed, thank God for them, and don't anger them--and then do it God's way, over and over and over again.