In this Issue: Selfish or Godish?, What does the Bible say about Purity?, Surviving a Broken Home, Cooperating Systems in Creation, What is Your Top Priority?, Do Christians Hate?
In this Issue: Selfie (A Self-Portrait), The Home and Moral Purity, No Fun!, Oil—Evidence of the Worldwide Flood, Betraying Marriage, Bread and Circuses, and more.
In this Issue: Fly the Flag, Christian Courtship: A Foundation for Marriage, Mount Saint Helens After Thirty-Five Years, The Poison of Pornography, Refuting Naturalism and Moral Relativism, A World of Refugees!, and more.
Satan is not the friend of man, no manner the disguise in which he opts to appear. If you have chosen to belong to God, it should be no surprise to find that His arch enemy has it in for you. But your all-powerful Helper will stand with you as you fight.
Christians face many fleshly appeals that conflict with the claims of Christ. This message is a thoughtful, serious call to a life in Christ that is not controlled by fleshly desires.
If Jesus was holy, what was there about Him that attracted the publicans and sinners? How can those who follow the pure and holy Christ relate to an immoral and degenerate world? Can Christians share His love in a love that draws sinners toward the Savior without becoming contaminated themselves?
This message contains simple advice taken from the Biblical story of Tamar, encourages both parents and young people to protect their sexual purity, and presents the essentials of recovery from abuse.
Temptations threaten young men's Christian commitment to purity. This message challenges young Christian men to a life of victory and uncompromising holiness.
Young Christian women are bombarded with contemporary views on beauty, modesty and chastity. However, the young woman who is committed to Christ will allow God to define true beauty and right conduct.
How does the Christian decide what is right? What is wrong? Those who accept the Word of God as their moral code will live the safest and surest. Take Christ for your pattern and say, “I’m going to do as He did.”
Who you marry will affect the whole rest of your life, therefore, courtship is the time to consider the character of the person you are dating and to lay a good foundation for marriage.
God wants us to serve Him in purity and truth.
Satan, however, is in an all-out war against Christians.
We need strong Christian families in our world today. We need men—real men, to stand up for truth no matter the cost!
Will you be one of those men?
What should be done with lapses in moral purity, the proverbial “skeletons in the closet”? The shame associated with such sin has a remedy; there is victory for the fallen and cleansing for the filthy. Learn 4 mileposts on the road to victory over sexual sins, then "go, and sin no more!"