Third in a series on the Trinity. How does the Holy Spirit work in relation to the Father? And the Son? What role does He fill in the life of the believer? Of the unbeliever? In the church?
We will never understand everything in this life. If we knew and understood the "WHY" behind life's perplexities and pain, we wouldn't need God, or faith. Sometimes God allows us to experience hard things so He can reveal His power and love to us. Then the glory will go to Him, not us.
Does the fact that there is a devil make you uneasy? Listen to what God's Word has to say about Satan: his origin, his aims, his limitations, and his destiny. Rejoice in the knowledge that he is neither a supreme nor an omniscient being, but keep your armor on!
Is there a genuine cure for the alcoholic who longs to be free from his uncontrollable addiction? Any hope left for the one who has tried any and every remedy offered, and still finds himself a slave to the demon drink?? YES! The Great Physician is waiting to be asked for His help in the case.
Human beings come and go, in one hundred years most of the people alive today will be gone and largely forgotten. Only God remains the same. Every generation finds Him the as the generation before had found Him—unchanged, and still worthy of our confidence and hope.
Psalm 91 is a psalm of trust and is especially meaningful to those who are exposed to danger and hardship. The words are a source of comfort and security and protection in times of sore need and deep distress.
The last verses of the Book of James are an earnest appeal to let prayer and praise hallow every part of life.This includes the area of our health. When sickness comes God is concerned about our need and has given instructions on how to seek healing from Him.
For many people Christmas is a time to give gifts, hang lights, and gather with family. In the midst of the fun they forget that Jesus is the greatest gift of Christmas.
Why do people get sick? Who is to blame for physical suffering? How can illness be prevented? A look at these questions and more, and a reminder that we will only wish for physical healing as long as we live in our physical bodies. May God receive glory from our lives in both sickness and health!