Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane, faced His “cup” with courage and confidence in the Father. Believers must also face their “cup” and their cross. Face it like Jesus.
The New Testament gives this marriage counsel: “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church,” and, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands.” Is this advice archaic, or is it the key to real joy in marriage?
In a world where, by one estimate, only 5% of marriages actually grow after the wedding day, do you have the commitment to make your marriage a success? Or is your marriage in need of renewal? Perhaps God has a surprise for you…
"God of our strength, enthroned above..." Is your life dedicated to the glory of God? Is your faith, confidence and trust in His strength, or is it in your own strength?
Regardless of public opinion or advice of the medical profession that tells you that life does not begin until birth, the actual truth is that abortions end real lives, and they have no choice in the matter. God's Word is the voice for the voiceless, and no other voice is as important to hear as His
“Biblical submission is a benefit, a privilege and is freedom, an invitation to walk the journey of life with Someone.” What will godly submission look like, in us?
Women, by nature, are gifted as angels of mercy—who bring beauty, grace and compassion to their world and relationships. Discover how Christian women can bless their families and associates with the unique impact of God-given gifts and strengths.
The late pastor, Delton Martin, begins a series on the family by addressing men. This message presents a heartsearching call for today's men to return to a vision of real men—strong, godly, pure, tender, unselfish, commited providers.
Complicated theologies and rationales can obscure the simple foundation for obedient Christian living: "Because Jesus said so." Are you living in obedience to His directives?
Young people hear the voices of many "false spirits," even from 'Christian' people—those whose lives are like the New Testament Judaizers, Gnostics and Nicolaitans. "Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits."
Thinking of courtship and marriage? Follow God's principles of love and purity in courtship, and discover the special blessings God has for those allow their love for Him to define their lives and their romance.
The local church is where Christians who love God express love to each other. Where believers relate in Christ-likeness, we discover the blessings of brotherhood—unselfish giving, witnessing, togetherness, counsel, completeness and support.
What is salvation? And what are the marks of true salvation? Many evangelicals (and Mennonites) have strayed from the original understanding of the word "salvation." Rediscover the nature and marks of authentic salvation.
Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born from above." In the kingdom, no substitutes will do—cultural conformity, territorial church membership, or religious effort. You need the Father's DNA.