Championing a Faith That Works Anabaptist Voice is published quarterly and seeks to interpret Bible truth in a simple childlike way, and to apply Bible teaching to the lives of living saints in a practical manner.
Only the Gospel of Jesus has the answers to the world's problems. Politics is a sideshow that Satan is directing to distract our attention elsewhere. Ignore the distraction and join the real program: Christ's work on earth through the community of genuine believers.
To whom does a citizen owe allegiance? How will he display his loyalty? What are the earmarks of those who declare themselves to be seekers of a better country?
So...we say we are citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. How much should we be involved with the affairs that govern this country? Is it okay to have a favored political candidate? Do we have rights? A look at examples and explicit commands from the Bible to help us live as citizens of a Better World.
In an era of politically active churches and religious organizations, Christians need to ask the question: “Are church and state truly compatible?” There are intrinsic, irreconcilable differences, including its purpose, structure and method of control.
What is Anabaptism? This essay, first published in 1944, presents a classic statement of the essence and vision of the early Anabaptists. "We shall practice what He taught, believing that where He walked we can by His grace follow in His steps."
The organized patterns of relationships and interaction in society is what the Bible calls the “world”. Four basic principles will guide us to right thinking and action as we relate to society and politics, and the follower of Christ needs to keep them crystal clear.
Throughout history, many believers have confused the eternal City of God with human and religious conterfeits. Believers who would truly build the church need an allegiance to the authentic "City of God."
Should Christians participate in voting, jury duty, military service or political office? Can a Christian’s primary identity be American? The citizens of the kingdom of heaven come from every nation, and that being the case, how can Christians go to war? These questions and more are answered here.
If you are a “God and country” Christian, this message may seem strange to you. Kai assumes a conflict between God and country, and goes on to speak to what unrivaled loyalty to God’s kingdom can really mean.
Baptism is an ordinance that Jesus mentioned, and Himself practiced. The early church understood baptism to be a necessary step of obedience. What is the significance of this rite? How can we maintain a Scriptural view and practice of this ordinance?
What is the nature of God's kingdom? By the kingdom of God, we are not talking about a kingdom that defends itself with guns or other weapons. We are talking about the spiritual reign of Jesus Christ, who lives in the hearts and lives of those who believe and follow Him as their Lord and Master.
Godly living was, at first, the mark of true Christianity. But gradually, doctrinal orthodoxy became so important as to make it seem that God would overlook all kinds of ungodliness, but not incorrect doctrine. A walk through history that shows how Christianity evolved to "doctrianity" instead.