Life brings life questions. How would the Creator of Life have His children to think about…. euthanasia? safety procedures? animal rights? handicapped folk? contraceptives? abortion? Listen and be challenged to share God’s view of every life that has been created in His image.
We find several categories of people in Proverbs. There is the simple, the scorner/the foolish, and the wise man. When we face the test of reproof, that crisis will identify us as one of the three. Let’s learn from the wise man how to pass the test of reproof.
The corona virus pandemic is forcing everyone to evaluate the cost of protecting life. We are asking hard questions, and the answers must be based on the principles from God's Word. These scriptural principles will guide the younger, and teach them to honor the elderly among us.
Life Happens, How will we respond to what life brings our way? will we be a victim of our circumstances or will we allow those circumstances to make us better?
In these days when the issues of skin color and ethnicity are the underlying factor in riots, bigotry, and unrest, the Christian turns to the Word of God to learn from the Author of Life how to relate to them. What difference does ethnic origin make to Him? to the church? in eternity?
This message probes the effects of Fundamentalism on Mennonite thought in the 20th century, particularly as it relates to the historic view of Scripture, and the relationship the written text to the Logos.
We live in an age where there is vast information at our fingertips. What are the dangers of the web and radio? Are we being caught in a trap of false information?