Is there such a thing as anything other than an active Christianity? No, a Christian is a doer of the word, an ambassador for his King, embraces hardship as lessons in sanctification, and fills a place in the body of Christ. He is neither inactive nor passive, but alive and busy!
A look at Pharaoh the atheist, and some identifying characteristics of atheism, followed by a solemn warning: a born-again Christian may become an atheist. How can such a thing be?! Listen, and learn of eight things that may de-convert a Christian.
Complicated theologies and rationales can obscure the simple foundation for obedient Christian living: "Because Jesus said so." Are you living in obedience to His directives?
What is a hero? What is required to become one? NASA has identified nine characteristics that make heroic astronauts. Darvin takes those qualities and challenges Christians to make them an integral part of their lives, and in doing so, to become a hero.
Pastor Melvin Roes shares from his heart and experiences (including the death of his wife) in this personal message. Faith in crisis is simply reaching out (in absolute dependence) to a God Who cares.
First in a series on the Trinity. Although the actual word is not in the Bible, the concept of a triune God is found from beginning to end. This sermon concentrates on attributes and character traits of God the Father.
What are the foundations of life upon which the righteous may build with confidence? In this sermon are five basic premises of the Christian faith, each one dependent upon the previous one. Satan attacks these five foundations, but they cannot be destroyed!
"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." Though the Bible is remarkable in its origin, and in matters of medicine, science, history and prophecy; its revelation of Jesus and its life applications are its greatest gifts.
While the current pandemic seems novel, there have been similar situations in the past. As you struggle to cope with “lockdowns”, learn of a man writing from a Roman prison how you can be free even during a lockdown. There is cause for hope, and more reasons than ever to share Jesus with the world.