Is there a God that cares about what happens to man? Does He love mankind? Is He powerful enough to do anything He chooses? If so why is there so much suffering in this world? Why do some people seem blessed and others just struggle along? If He loves man so much why does life seem so unfair?
There are many kinds of emotional problems, and causes for them. They seem to be increasing at an alarming rate. What might be causing this epidemic? Do emotional difficulties bring opportunities for spiritual growth? God has designed us with emotions that can enrich our lives if lived by His plan.
Satan has many ways to distract our minds from God, and music is one of the most effective. This article is sobering look at music genres, the lives of singers, and a few examples of terrible crimes committed due to the influences of ungodly music. Accept the challenge to test your favorite music.
How delightful this world is! At least it was meant to be. God virtually crammed His creation with various pleasures. However not all pleasures are for the Christian. How can we know God's will in this?
October 16, 2021, dawned just like a normal day in Haiti. Seventeen missionaries were on their way to visit an orphanage. Little did they know they would be kidnapped by a notorious gang before the day was over.
Read how God shows Himself strong in their situation.
What is Anabaptism? This essay, first published in 1944, presents a classic statement of the essence and vision of the early Anabaptists. "We shall practice what He taught, believing that where He walked we can by His grace follow in His steps."
The Bible has much to teach us about spirits, both helpful angels and opposing demons, magic and the occult, and what happens to the human soul after death. This study guide will lead you to realities about the invisible world from a Biblical perspective, comparing Scripture with Scripture.