What is Yoga? How are Yoga exercises in opposition to the Word of God? Why should Christians recognize that? Discover what God's Word says about how He wants us to use our minds.
Why do people believe in conspiracies? From where do conspiracy theories come? Are these conspiracy theories actually the truth, and only those with real intellect and insight can see the truth? What is behind all this? Does it even matter?
In our churches as well as in society, emotional problems are increasing. Psychology's answer is that we need self-esteem and self-confidence for emotional health. What is God's answer? Read about God's response to people with low self-esteem in the Bible, and discover His answers for you today.
In this issue: Where Is Your DNA?, LOVE... Love Not, Forgive Us Our Debts, Wanted: Father's Who Lead, Calvary Excludes Evolution, Truth Is Fallen In The Street, and more.
Do you think your soul is affected by listening to Rock 'n' Roll? This poem is one author's vivid insights into ways that Satan uses Rock 'n' Roll to control souls.
Down through the years Christians have believed the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Although over 40 humans wrote the books there is one central message, one code of ethics, and one plan of salvation. Surely God was the Author who inspired the writers.
Wisdom, as we commonly think of it, is the ability to follow a sound course of action, based on knowledge and long experience. Wisdom, as used in the Proverbs, begins with reverence and awe for God, and leads to living life in accord with God’s plan.
The problem with extremism is as old as man. Ecclesiastes 7:16 - 18 (paraphrased) says this: Do not be overly-righteous or overly-wise. Why should you destroy yourself? Do not be overly-wicked or foolish. Why should you die before your time? It is good to recognize and avoid all of these extremes.
Our tongues are powerful tools for either good or evil.Too often we use them to spread false stories or to say things that may not be completely true. God has made it clear though that lying, in all its many forms, is sin.
As a Christian writer you must learn to think logically, so that you can interpret both the Bible, and life in general, logically. You need to do this so that you can help your readers to come to logical conclusions when they read your stories and articles.