All of us have been given a little chunk out of eternity called "time". It is a gift which God gives sparingly, and therefore it is not to be wasted. For someday, as with all of God's gifts, we will have to give account for how we used it.
One of the great duties and privileges of a Christian is to tell others about Jesus. While most of us know this the thought of actually witnessing scares us. However as with many other things in life, the best way to learn is by doing.
Discrimination, unfairness, rejection, injustices, offenses; what should be done with life's inequalities? He is a foolish man who insists on stubbing his toe just because there is a stumbling block in his path. Christ showed us what to do with rejections and hurts; let us learn from His example.
"You see, at one time I was a drunkard."… Are you too enslaved by an addiction you want to be freed from? Here is one first-hand account of one man whom Christ set free.
To this difficult question, there is no answer. And yet, God gives an answer to His children: Trust God. His reasons, thoughts and intents are infinitely beyond human capacity to understand. Will we accept the fact that God owes us no explanation for what He allows?
Only the Gospel of Jesus has the answers to the world's problems. Politics is a sideshow that Satan is directing to distract our attention elsewhere. Ignore the distraction and join the real program: Christ's work on earth through the community of genuine believers.
A brief and clear message to our friends who feel that they aren't really such terrible sinners. If all of us were "pretty good", why did Jesus choose to give His life for our salvation?
Just exactly what are imaginations and what does the Bible say about them? Our thought life must be pure if we wish to see God. How do we harness our imaginations for God's glory?
Impaired or enlarged—which will we choose? Without question God will allow us to suffer in our earth journey. One option leads to a narrowed view and ability to serve others. The choice to see God involved in our lives helps us reach out, beyond our suffering, to others. Which will we choose?
The leadership of the church is very important. In the book of 1st Timothy Paul spends a considerable amount of time talking about the character traits men must display if they are to be bishops or deacons.
How important should prayer be to the Christian? And what is the place of women in the church? The apostle Paul addresses both these questions in a letter to a younger preacher.
From the beginning, wherever the truth of the Gospel went, the voices of error followed soon after. Paul taught Timothy to overcome many various forms of error by godly living, faithful teaching, and self-discipline.
In First Timothy Paul gives some profound insights about the dangers of wealth. Regarding money and possessions in a right way is very important for the Christian.