A concise writing that explains the beginnings of Mormonism and examines several of their basic beliefs, comparing the things they profess to believe with the Word of God, and ends with a plea to any who hold this erroneous doctrine to choose the only way to God: His Son Jesus Christ.
Do you know where your life is heading? (No, we don't mean whether you are facing north or west). Life is a one-way street toward eternity, and you will need a Road Map to assist you on the highway. Do you know where to find up-to-date guidance?
All liars... shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone” (Revelation 21:8).
Really? I cannot believe God would condemn me for just a lie. Surely He will overlook a few little lies. All liars? Impossible!
You won't find lasting joy gift-wrapped at the base of an evergreen three, adorned with a red bow. But you can find it at the foot of a much uglier tree, cross-shaped and blood-stained. Christ came, not to remain a baby, but to give His life on that tree as the perfect sacrifice for sins.
A happy marriage sounds like a dream come true! But for far too many husbands and wives, the dream becomes a nightmare instead. If they will make the choice to follow the instructions of the One who designed marriage, they may still know the beauty of a marriage that glorifies Him.
How can you identify the exotic tree growing in the back yard of your newly-purchased property? There is a simple, fool-proof way to find out. How will you know if your new neighbor is the Christian he says he is? Does it matter if his deeds don't match his profession? What does the Bible say?
"Come, let us worship"--who issues this invitation? A sovereign God! "Worship him in spirit and in truth." But how shall mortal man worship a Being so awesome? He, Himself, tells us of the worship that pleases Him.
Guilt is a heavy burden, more of a load than any human can carry. Can it be buried? forgotten? avoided? How shall the guilty cope with the invisble burden of guilt?
There are many things in this world that can not be known with certainty. But it is wonderful to have rock-solid Truth that we can count on to be forever the same. Let us never give more importance to the ideas of men than to the Word of God.
If you answer that question in the affirmative, your belief will move you to action. You cannot study the Holy Scriptures and remain unchanged! Regardless of your condition—sinner or saint—you will change.
Is God interested in the state of my health? Does sickness indicate that a person is not pleasing Him? Even though we have faith to be healed of physical ailments, He may choose to not restore health; but we may depend upon Him for spiritual healing, always.
There is no need to wander through life, aimlessly and alone. Reach out and take His hand! He will lead you to His eternal home to live with Him forever!
Discrimination, unfairness, rejection, injustices, offenses; what should be done with life's inequalities? He is a foolish man who insists on stubbing his toe just because there is a stumbling block in his path. Christ showed us what to do with rejections and hurts; let us learn from His example.
Was Judas truly one of Jesus' disciples? Did he really fall away, and was he actually lost? A study of New Testament Scriptures about Judas Iscariot that offers answers to these questions.