There is no need to wander through life, aimlessly and alone. Reach out and take His hand! He will lead you to His eternal home to live with Him forever!
Jim Wolf spent more than seven years behind bars. But he spent more years than that in the bondage of sin. As a youth, Jim spent much of his time on the street selling drugs, breaking into people’s houses, stealing, lying, cheating. Those years brought a harvest of trouble. Fights. The law. Jail.
Coronavirus! What can I do to prepare? Should I be alarmed? Preparation is always wise. Have you prepared your heart for coronavirus? Have you prepared your heart spiritually? “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord"
If I am saved, can I lose my salvation? How secure is my salvation? A brief, intense treatise on the doctrine of salvation and eternal security, and a look at sovereign free will, with a list of references to corroborate statements made, and another of verses used to promote unconditional security
A brief and clear message to our friends who feel that they aren't really such terrible sinners. If all of us were "pretty good", why did Jesus choose to give His life for our salvation?
When there are so many religions and so many churches all claiming to be right, how can a person know the right way to heaven? This is an old question, and millions are still asking it.
Jesus Christ is coming again. The Bible says so. But why is He coming? What will He do when He comes? Why should His coming be important to me or you? To help answer those questions, let’s review why He came the first time.
Join me for a few minutes in an exciting journey into the realms of types, figures and shadows of Christ. Once the shadow is seen for what (or who!) it really is, Leviticus will be changed into a gold mine for you! In addition, your life may just change forever as well!
Was Judas truly one of Jesus' disciples? Did he really fall away, and was he actually lost? A study of New Testament Scriptures about Judas Iscariot that offers answers to these questions.