If you believe in God as the supreme Creator of the earth you will realize that He is the only thing you can worship. Our generation has made money, pleasure, science and a host of other things its idols. Who are you worshiping?
Many people emphasize staying physically fit while they pay no attention to their spiritual health. Yet spiritual exercise will benefit us even more than strong muscles ever can for it yields rewards throughout eternity.
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray He gave the Lord's prayer. It is one of the most well known passages of the Bible but this may contribute to praying it without thinking about the words. Have you really thought about what the Lord's Prayer means?
Sin created a great gulf between God and man that would keep us from Him forever. But God desired us to be reconciled to Him so He sent Christ to shed His blood for us. This is the heart of the Christian message.
The meaning of end time Bible prophecy is a field of study that receives a lot of attention in the world and the church. Is prophecy something we should be trying to figure out?
Heat is applied to gold for one reason—to burn out the dross. Is it a surprise then that Christ the refiner allows us to experience the fire of trials to help us become more like Him?
The Christian's hope is based on his faith that his Lord is alive. Is there good reason to believe Jesus rose from the dead or are Christians deceiving themselves?
Prayer has been described as a telephone connection between God and man that is always available wherever you are. It is a privilege that Christians should be using daily. How is your connection with God?
It is possible to abuse the name of God in several different ways. A study of the Third Commandment reveals that we may misuse it not only by swearing but also by irreverence and hypocrisy.
In the last days of this earth a satanic trinity will arise who will attempt to consolidate the whole world around Satan. It will be composed of Satan himself, the Antichrist, and a figure called the False Prophet.
Do you know the scriptural reasons for women to cover their heads? Many professing Christians reject this command of God or attempt to explain it away. Yet there are many biblical reasons to practice it today.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, spent a great amount of time hunting for happiness. He sought it in luxury, knowledge, wine, and lust but he couldn't find it because it wasn't there. Finally he realized that the only place happiness can be found is in the Lord.