One of the truths repeated over and over again in the Bible is the fact that Jesus Christ is coming to the earth twice. None of us knows just when He is going to come again but the Scripture clearly implies that it is possible for us to see the day of the Lord approaching.
God the Creator and Christ the Saviour are described in the Revelation. We see Almighty God enthroned in Heaven with everything under His control and Christ, the Lamb of God, as the one who is worthy of all our worship.
Christ's second coming is the hope of the church. The promise is clear — and we do not try to explain it away.
Session 4 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
The Great Tribulation as set forth in the Scriptures is a time of frightful judgment at the close of this age. It is a such a terrible time that Jesus said that unless the days had been shortened no one would remain alive.
Are you ready to stand before God’s throne and be judged? All nations and all people will one day stand before the Lord and have the deeds of their lives exposed. Are you afraid? You don't need to be for God has clearly explained what He wants of us.
Session 8 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
Jewish people have been hated, disliked, and despised in every century. Why is this and how have they managed to survive?
Session 1 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
Is prophecy dangerous? No! Prophecy is not dangerous or it wouldn’t be included in the Bible. It is the misuse of prophecy that is dangerous.
The meaning of end time Bible prophecy is a field of study that receives a lot of attention in the world and the church. Is prophecy something we should be trying to figure out?
Session 5 of a 10 part series on the "Revelation of Jesus Christ".
In the last days of this earth a satanic trinity will arise who will attempt to consolidate the whole world around Satan. It will be composed of Satan himself, the Antichrist, and a figure called the False Prophet.
How should we relate to those who scoff at the promise that Jesus is coming again?
Christ came to earth once as a baby, the next time He will come as a judge. Are you ready for Him to come again?