The church at Corinth was established by Paul on his second missionary journey. The book of 1 Corinthians gives us a good picture of the life of the early church. It deals with Christian conduct. It is essentially an epistle of correction.
The Gospel of John proclaims Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Redeemer of a lost humanity. The content and arrangement of John's Gospel place special emphasis on the deity of Jesus.
The Gospel of Luke was written by a medical doctor named Luke. His purpose was to present a historically accurate account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and to present it in such a way that Jesus was seen as a perfect Savior.
The Gospel of Matthew was written by a tax collector named Matthew. Of the four Gospels, Matthew is the most systematic in presenting the teachings of Jesus. The book of Matthew was used almost universally by the early church as a source book for instructing new converts in the faith.
Heaven, the future home for all true Christians, is just as real as any city on earth. It is freedom from all pain, fullness of joy, and eternal communion with God. How can you secure a place for yourself there?
People sometimes doubt the existence of Hell or wonder how a loving God could send people there.The Bible teaches us there is a Hell and it is literal and eternal punishment. It is prepared for Satan and his angels, not man, but those who follow him will go there also.
Are the teachings of John Calvin such as limited atonement and unconditional election supported by the Bible?
Modern liberal theologians have generally discarded belief in angels and demons. But those who read the Bible seriously come to the conclusion that great hosts of good and bad angels actually exist. What do the angels and demons do and how can we overcome the power of the demons?
There is much confusion over the what the end times will really be like. What does the Bible have to say?
Second Timothy is the last letter that Paul ever wrote. The letter is Paul's final farewell. He was in prison because of his faith—jailed for preaching Christ and the resurrection from the dead. This article covers three main points from Paul's final exhortation.
The Bible pictures God's people as strangers and pilgrims passing through an unfriendly world. The apostle Peter shows us that inspite of these earthly trials we can have hope and even joy, for four different reasons.
Everyone wants to live a long time, but no one wants to be old. But even if the years stack up and a person reaches what might be called old age God has work for them in the church.
Our lives should make the gospel of Jesus Christ beautiful and attractive to the lost. This will happen as we follow the instructions God has given for the young people in the church.
God created marriage and gave it as a special gift to man. Therefore it is natural and right when young people seek a marriage partner.
The Bible begins with the simple and yet profound statement that God is the Creator of all things. Those who oppose this view say that evolution formed the world. Which world view do the facts agree with?