A look into Creator’s Book to explore the relationship between seeds planted and harvest gathered, the connection between decisions and consequences. They may be more important than you realize!
What is the devil: a friend, or an enemy? If he is an enemy, you do well to identify and avoid falling into his deceitful traps. In this sermon, six of his common subterfuges are exposed by the searchlight of God's Word for the falsehoods that they actually are. Protect yourself with Truth!
Baptism is an ordinance that Jesus mentioned, and Himself practiced. The early church understood baptism to be a necessary step of obedience. What is the significance of this rite? How can we maintain a Scriptural view and practice of this ordinance?
Where did this term originate? What is the poison? Who puts it in the well? And finally, the most important question: how can the poison be eliminated so that the well will once more be safe?
A careful look at the origin of “tongues”, a discussion on their abuse/proper use, some questionable claims and warnings, a study of confirming signs in the apostolic era, and at the end, a list of questions that will demand honest answers.
Life brings life questions. How would the Creator of Life have His children to think about…. euthanasia? safety procedures? animal rights? handicapped folk? contraceptives? abortion? Listen and be challenged to share God’s view of every life that has been created in His image.
How should we relate to those who scoff at the promise that Jesus is coming again?
Traditionally, Advent is a time to contemplate the gift of a Redeemer. This Child who came from heaven to earth changed everything, and if He hasn't changed you and your household, you have missed the Advent. Seven aspects of the Advent to consider as you prepare to celebrate Christ's birth.
What should be done with lapses in moral purity, the proverbial “skeletons in the closet”? The shame associated with such sin has a remedy; there is victory for the fallen and cleansing for the filthy. Learn 4 mileposts on the road to victory over sexual sins, then "go, and sin no more!"