God has created man with a controllable sex drive. Gratification cancels out satisfaction; satisfaction means no immediate gratification. You and I continually make the choice between the two...because we cannot have both.
Man's worship of God can never be correct until he has a right concept of God. Since God is invisible it is impossible to make images of Him. Even if we would never worship images it is still very possible to live in idolatry by worshiping a false concept of God.
How can you achieve great gain?
A series of studies for young girls about how to build Christlike character.
A series of studies for young men on how to build Christlike character.
How do we deal with sin and the shame that comes with it? Many turn to substance abuse to dull the pain. Others try do do good works. But only through Jesus Christ can we be healed.
“How do you plead?” the judge asked. I swallowed. I hadn’t realized how difficult this would be. “Guilty,” I answered. Guilty. We have all felt guilty at one time or another. More than that, we have all been guilty.
Do you know the history and meaning behind Halloween? Should Christians participate in Halloween festivities? Is it possible for Christians to have homes with "hallowed evenings"? Yes indeed! Listen and learn how.