Is your Life like a Desert? Are you longing for something this world can't supply you? Be like the Samaritan Woman and Accept the Source of Living Water.
What do salvation and a lost sailboat have in common? Read to find out.
The glory of Jesus is an inexhaustible subject. He is worthy of all the praise and honor that man can ever give. Do you know what makes Him so special?
Session 8 of a 10 part series on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
A missionary in India learns about pearls from his old friend, and what he learns helps him point the pearl diver to the priceless pearl of eternal life
A. W. Tozer says, “To escape the error of salvation by works, many professing Christians have fallen into the opposite error of teaching salvation without obedience.” Are you willing to obey Jesus unconditionally?
What is the New Birth? It is a work of God in our hearts that makes us completely new. It is a passing from death to life, from Satan's kingdom to God's, and it will affect every area of our lives. Do you know what all this New Birth really involves?
The Bible is an old book. Most of its writers lived over two thousand years ago, but its message is still fresh and up-to-date. "Ye must be born again," applies as much to us as it did to people back then. But what exactly is the new birth and how can a person know if they have experienced it?
The Bible contains many illustrations of potters and clay. The potter refers to God and the clay to His people. As we seek to understand the potter’s work, truths about our spiritual lives begin to emerge.
You're stuck. There is no way out. You can't get away from your sin. But wait! There is a way out! You don't need to continue in sin.
Session 5 of a 10 part series on the "Revelation of Jesus Christ".
“We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard, said the apostles marching directly into persecution. They had discovered the secret of Jesus' strength. We may discover it too, thanks to the clues left behind by those who loved not their lives even unto death.
This is a 10 Lesson Study book that will guide you through the history of man, starting with creation and continuing to the end of this present world. The text book used for this study is the oldest, most reliable history book in the world, The Holy Bible.
Can you picture Jesus Christ on the cross? The pain, the blood, the agony. And yet no words of hate or pleas for release came from His lips. In His darkest hours He spoke seven times, and the words were words of love.